Sunday, September 11, 2011

10 Things I have learned about Southern China thus far:

1) The roads are virtually lawless. If you want to pass someone all you have to do is honk. Bonus points for veering over the two yellow lines and weaving through oncoming traffic.

2) You wallet always goes in the front pockets. Thievery is rife here, hence bars on almost every first floor window.

3) It is cheaper to eat out, than to cook for yourself (low cost of labour). Expect to pay under 40rmb (around $7CDN) at most Chinese restaurants, drinks included and under 14rmb ($2CDN) at a take-out/cafeteria.

4) Do not look into a Chinese kitchen...just go to your happy place and dig into the food.

5) The washrooms of many Chinese businesses are like the movie SAW. Oh and bring your own toilet paper, napkins and hand-wash, cause they don't have them.

6) There are not many building codes here. Maintenance is almost unheard of too and the bare minimum is done. The Chinese way is to build it big (vertical), fast and  flashy. After 5-10 years it is better to just tear a building down and build a new one...maintenance is too much of a hassle.

7) Bars do not close, as long as you continue to buy drinks. If you want to experience a Varsity Blues 7am walk home, this is the place....and for $50cents a Chinese beer.

You Mean I Can't Throw Bottles
 at People, Out of a Moving Train?
8) You will spend a great deal of your salary if you continually eat Western food. Man up and dig into the mystery meat.

9) The Chinese love their bones and cartilage. The breast of the chicken is the most undesirable part. The feet are probably the best...packaged chicken feet, pickeled feet, bbq'd feet, deep fried feet...The Chinese love their chicken feet as much as Bubba loves his shrimp.

10) If it looks like an animals genitalia on a probably is...beware!

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